"Bridging the Mile in Special Skills!"SMILES - Special Methods in Learning Expression Skills. Transforming children from dependent to independent FLASH !! FLASH!! 2nd April World Autism Awareness Day, April Month Autism Awareness Month. Smiles Foundation. Please visit WorldAutismSociety.org to watch Autism Awareness Movie.
About Autism
Autism is a developmental delay that includes symptoms such as speech difficulties, lack of eye contact, isolation and no fear of danger. Smiles Foundation>>
Autism Treatment
Early diagnosis and treatment helps young children with autism develop to their full potential. The primary goal of treatment is to improve the overall ability of the child to function. Smiles Foundation>>
Autism Awareness
Autism Education Portal (www.autism.school) and Autism Inforamtion Web Channel (www.autismhelp.in).Smiles Foundation.>>
Gluten Free Diet
Millets are known for their high iron, protein, fiber and calcium content. Moreover it has a low glycemic index i.e. it releases sugar into the blood very slowly. It is also gluten free. >>
Nothing is more important than your children!
Early intervention, Medical Advise, Therapy services and Health Diet helps autism children for speedy recovery. Smiles Foundation.
ADHD or ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’, a behavioral disorder in children.This impairs the child academically as well as his/her social adaptability. Genetics and numerous environmental factors are considered as the most probable causes.
Every day, the millions of them living with autism and their families face unique challenges that many of us will never fully appreciate. Smiles Foundation.